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National Day for Truth & Reconciliation – Local ways to honour residential school survivors, families, and communities on Sept. 30

Thursday, Sept. 30, is the first official National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Here are a few ways you can pay homage to the children who were in the residential school system:

View The Witness Blanket in Campbell River

Visit the Laichwiltach Family Life Society to see The Witness Blanket, created by master carver Carey Newman. Newman collected artifacts from 77 different residential school locations across Canada and incorporated them into a large scale art installation. The exhibit will be up until Oct. 30 at 441 4 Ave., Campbell River.

Participate in the 5th Annual Every Child Matters Orange Shirt Day Walk

Head to Campbell River Spirit Square on Sept. 30 to learn more about the lasting effects of Canada’s residential school system and honour residential school survivors, their families, and communities.


  • 11 a.m.: Opening prayer – proceed to walk
  • 11:30 a.m.: keynote speaker & speeches
  • 12 p.m.: Bagged lunches
  • 12:30/1 p.m.: Honouring survivors

Participate in the Comox Valley Spirit Walk

Register at Harmston Park (6th St. and Harmston Ave.) any time between noon and 7 p.m. to receive a route map. Walk in small, COVID-friendly groups along the predetermined route – wear orange and sing, drum, or just walk and remember. 


Immigrant Welcome Centre
Immigrant Welcome Centre

We provide free specialized services for immigrants, refugees and newcomers in Campbell River, the Comox Valley, and northern Vancouver Island.

Immigrant Welcome Centre

Free Professional Services for Immigrants & Newcomers in Courtenay, Comox, Campbell River and northern Vancouver Island.