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BC Multiculturalism Week 2023

BC Multiculturalism Week is celebrated every year during the third week of November. According to, British Columbia is the most ethnic province in Canada. Almost 30 percent of residents immigrated from another country, and 5 percent are Indigenous. 

Why is it important to have a society that values multiculturalism? It’s important because multiculturalism fosters empathy, curiosity, and acceptance. It enriches our community by encouraging the preservation and sharing of cultural heritage, no matter the resident’s origin. 

If you take a moment to look around you, you’ll see that your workplace, your children’s school, your favorite store – they are all examples of multiculturalism! So what can you do to encourage your friends and coworkers to share a little bit of their culture with you? Don’t be shy, ask questions! Let them know you want to learn more about their heritage.

To celebrate BC Multiculturalism Week, we have asked staff members to share their favorite traditional recipes. Everybody loves food because sharing food brings people together! We have collected nine recipes from all around the world, are you ready to wear your chef hat?

Immigrant Welcome Centre
Immigrant Welcome Centre

We provide free specialized services for immigrants, refugees and newcomers in Campbell River, the Comox Valley, and northern Vancouver Island.

Immigrant Welcome Centre

Free Professional Services for Immigrants & Newcomers in Courtenay, Comox, Campbell River and northern Vancouver Island.